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Careers in Residential Construction

Critical Need: A Skilled Workforce

A homebuilder’s ability to provide quality housing at affordable pricing is becoming more difficult as labor sources continue to diminish. In a time during which the demand for housing in Texas – and across the country – cannot be met without significant construction delays, it is imperative that homebuilders and their trade partners work with their local schools, technical and community colleges, and home builders associations to develop the training and encourage interest among students – as early as 7th graders – to pursue careers within the residential construction industry to help solve this critical shortage of a skilled construction workforce. That can only be accomplished by developing a pipeline of skilled craftsmen.


1946 – 1954:   Baby Boomers (Boomers I) – retired
1955 – 1965:   Generation Jones (Boomers II) – retired or retiring
1966 – 1976:   Gen X – retiring over the next 15 years
1981 – 1996:   Gen Y (Millennial or Echo Boomers)
1997 – now:    Gen Z (zoomers)
Born between 2011 – 2025:   Gen Alpha (children of Millennials)

In 2021, the United States is short 300,000 skilled workers, and it is estimated that there will be shortage of 1 million craft professionals by 2023. The problem is projected to get worse, with an estimated 53% of the current construction workforce retiring by 2036.

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